
Thank You for an Inspirational 2021!

annual report 2021

Students are like sponges in the way they absorb information about the world. They are fascinated to learn how gravity and motion work, how energy is conserved and transferred, and how humans have caused climate change. CRS's support, especially matching university experts with classrooms, has been invaluable in inspiring future scientists. Thank you CRS for all the resources & support you have provided during the pandemic and throughout the years

- 5th Grade Teacher

February 2022

Teaching is about meeting the moment, and 2021 was defined by a seemingly never ending series of new challenge moments to meet.

Throughout the year, Community Resources for Science worked to be as nimble as the teachers we serve. While keeping focused on our North Star of ensuring all children have access to science learning opportunities and inspirational role models in school as a matter of equity, we adapted our programs, services and supports in real time to meet teachers’ and schools’ rapidly-changing needs. 

In our 25 year history, no year has required greater responsiveness and creative flexibility than 2021. Fortunately, that adaptation is baked into the very DNA of CRS. From full remote learning in January, schools moved throughout the year back to limited in-person learning, hybrid learning, and a Fall reopening with hope but also with many new and evolving pandemic challenges. 

Through it all, CRS has maintained robust services and supports for teachers, presented impactful scientist-led outreach for 20,000+ K-8 students, and provided leadership for a network of partners leveraging our collective resources and expertise to strengthen science teaching and learning.

Bringing inspiration, fostering a sense of belonging, and harnessing curiosity for exploration and discovery have been the hallmarks of our work since 1997. As this Annual Report highlights, in 2021 leaned into these strengths to reach new heights.

  • CRS celebrated a major milestone of reaching 200,000 students through our scientist-in-the-classroom outreach programs.

  • We engaged hundreds of teachers in professional development, including a robust focus on building climate and environmental literacy.

  • We collaborated with partners for a wide range of teacher-focused programs and resources to meet identified needs.

  • And, we brought even more inspirational, joyful moments of science and engineering learning to life – in person and over Zoom – for thousands of young learners.

The children entering Kindergarten this year will graduate from high school in 2034. They may not all become rocket scientists or computer engineers, but they need to become innovators, leaders, environmental stewards, and scientifically literate members of the community.

We have seen clearly during this pandemic: science literacy matters now more than ever. CRS is here for the long term, supporting teachers, schools, and districts as they transform students’ opportunities to imagine their own place in the world and their own futures.