
Diverse Stories Bolster Deep Math and Science Learning While Bringing Joy And Representation

October 2023

Access, experience, joy will build my students' sense of belonging in science. If I am excited, they will be too!

This reflection from a Kindergarten teacher echoes the enthusiasm expressed by nearly 75 educators who took part in our summer Joyful Math and Science workshops.

Led by fellow teachers trained as peer coaches, the workshops bring together and support small groups of same grade teachers from across different schools and districts serving low-income, historically marginalized communities to design model lessons to integrate math and science for TK to 5th grade students. Now they are putting those plans into action in their classrooms this Fall.

I’m excited to bring all of these lessons, materials and books to my students this year. I will be including more books that change our image of scientists. After this workshop, I am motivated to teach more science, and to make sure my students have chances to find the science all around them in everyday life.

- Oakland 5th grade teacher

With funding from Impact100 East Bay, CRS provided material kits to implement the new lessons, books that feature a diverse array of scientists, and class sets of scientist notebooks. Teachers were overjoyed to come away with books, supplies, new peer mentors, and a sense of excitement about bringing the lessons to their students.

“It’s been a challenging few years for elementary teachers. And yet, we have been so heartened by the absolute enthusiasm, the spirit of collaboration, and the excitement that has been universal among the teachers who have eagerly participated in our Joyful Math and Science summer workshops,” says CRS Executive Director Teresa Barnett.

Word about the program even reached California State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, who came in July to see the program in action for himself! The teachers were delighted to have their efforts recognized, and they offered “homework” suggestions for the Superintendent to provide more support for elementary science.

One of the peer coaches reflected:

I think that the more time I get to serve as a peer coach the better I will be able to advocate and support for science at my site and/or district. I have really enjoyed this experience as well as finding ways to integrate math and science and look forward to integrating science to other subjects such as ELD.
- Richmond 3rd Grade teacher