Team up with CRS: Sponsor Discovery, Inspiration, Exploration & Wonder

What: Motivational “Science Super Star” STEM challenge encourages, supports, and recognizes teachers who successfully go above and beyond to ensure their students have more opportunities for science, engineering, and environmental explorations.
Who: Kindergarten-6th grade children and teachers who are members of the CRS teacher network
Where: Local elementary schools from Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Richmond and nearby communities

When: Pop-up Science Festivals at schools from March to June 2020  & Teacher Celebration Event in March 2020 at Chabot Space and Science
Why: Support the community while also highlighting your business to the CRS network of thousands of educators, scientists, engineers, science centers, industry partners, community leaders, and donors. And to our 10,000+ followers on social media!

2019-20 Science Super Star Sponsorship Levels

Highlight your business to our network of over 3,000 educators, scientists, engineers, science centers, community donors, and industry partners! View our levels of sponsorship:












To reserve your sponsorship, contact us at, call (510) 527-5212, or donate directly online via CRS’s online portals.

Add your name to our Sponsor Honor Roll by contacting us today!


Thank you to the following partners who were Sponsors and In-Kind donors for the 2019-20 Science Super Star Challenge:

Discovery Sponsor: Bayer Health Care

Inspiration Sponsor: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 

Inspiration Sponsor: Phoebe White and Burke Norton

Exploration Sponsor: 

Exploration Sponsor:

Wonder Sponsor: Bayer AAHA (African American and Hispanic Association) Employee Team

Wonder Sponsor: 

In-Kind Sponsors



Dawn Publications
















































































CRS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Our nonprofit ID # is 94-326258.