August 31, 2022
We're updating our Spanish Resources Page this month, so you can start the '22-'23 year off strong with a few more resources to share that focus on Spanish speaking scientists' stories, both past and present, and the importance of Spanish in science communication. Use these videos, activities, lesson plans, and other resources for your multilingual students to form questions, think critically, and engage in science in Spanish.
Our "Ciencia en Casa" Youtube playlist...
or Science at Cal's "Un Vistazo al Laboratorio" playlist...
Esa Kids' multimedia activities
or the engineering activities from Engineering is Elementary (EIE familias)
or Ocean School's videos about the wonders of marine life...
Unite for Literacy's free online books to TK-3 readers to read or listen to in English or Spanish...
or if your students loved Spanish e-books from Fathom Reads...