Science Super Stars – October 2021 Challenge
October 2021 Challenge
Teacher Instructions
Step 1: Do the optional ‘setting the stage’ activity we have provided (or another activity from your curriculum or lesson plan) before assigning the student task.
Step 2: Assign the October Challenge - Student Prompt/Task
YOU get to choose the assignment format and response collection format that work best for you.
Step 3: Submit your Class entry for the October Challenge: Science in Daily Life by sharing the google slides or jamboard, or emailing photos or samples of student work.
Submit or share to:
- Dowload a Copy of Full Slide deck of October Challenge (You will need to be logged into a google account.)
- If you do not have a gmail account, here is a PDF Copy of the Full October Challenge Document
To navigate back to the main Science Super Star Challenge page, click here.
Step1: Setting the Stage
The goal of this challenge: Find the science in your daily lives, in your community, at home and at school. Science is everywhere, hiding in plain sight. Where do you find science?
To set the stage for this challenge, first engage your students in the question: What is science? Introduce the word science and ask students what the word science means. Listen to students’ ideas and reinforce the notion that you can find a science (or engineering) connection in everything!
Here are some possible ways to engage students in this activity, with connections to language arts tasks:
- Read a story, or discuss a movie, and find examples of phenomena that science helps us to understand or explain.
- Have students write and draw their ideas about what science is in their science notebooks
- Record class ideas on a whole class poster
- Allow students to have a partner talk with another student to discuss what they think science is
Teacher Resources:
- Dowload a Copy of (TK-2) CRS What is Science? Slide deck (English)
- Dowload a Copy of CRS What is Science? Slide deck (Spanish)
- Gr 3-5: this video could be homework/asynchronous viewing before class discussion of what is science
- You can dowload a Copy of this CRS Science Scavenger Hunt slide deck as a resource for doing scavenger hunt activity in class, or to set the stage for assigning it as homework, or to do together as a class activity after students have done it at home
Step 2: Assign the October Challenge - Student Prompt/Task
YOU get to choose the assignment format and response collection format that work best for you.Some options include:
You may choose to: make copies of the appropriate slide(s) and assign through your google classroom
- Use the sample google slides (linked below)
- Create a Jamboard
- Have students respond (write/draw) in their science notebooks and take photos or scan some sample pages to submit
- Have students make a class poster, or any other creative activity that engages your students.
We created some google slides you can download and assign to your students.
Make sure you rename the copy with your name and school so that they are ready to share with us when they are done.
- Dowload a Copy of Grades TK-2 prompt/example slides (English)
- Dowload a Copy of Grades TK-2 prompt/example slides (Spanish)
- Dowload a Copy of Grades 3-5 prompt/example slides (English)
- Dowload a Copy of Grades 3-5 prompt/example slides (Spanish)
Step 3: Submit your Class entry for the October Challenge: Science In Daily Life
- Share the google slides or jamboard, or emailing photos or samples of student work. We really don't mind the format you and your students use.
- Share 10 representative examples for each monthly submission. We don't need an example from every student.
- We May Publicly Share Images of Student Work, so please only share photos or student work that CRS may share out.
Submit or share to:
To navigate back to the main Science Super Star Challenge page, click here.
Examples of October's Challenge
Click on an image above to view a larger version of an example Challenge submission.