Science Super Stars – March 2022 Challenge

March 2022 Challenge

Teacher Instructions

You’ve explored science and the connections to students’ daily lives, and you’ve met scientists or read about scientists. How has exposure to science helped your students to discover the science in their daily lives or imagine their own futures?

Two simple steps to enter this month:

  1. Ask your students to write, draw or share about:

    One way I will use science this summer is...
    One way science will be a part of my future is...

  2. Send a few examples of pictures of their journal entries, drawings, etc. of the science in their future!


You can download a copy of premade student prompt google slides or the pdf version if that would be a useful tool for you.

To navigate back to the main Science Super Star Challenge page, click here.


Send us pictures by the March 15 full challenge deadline.

  • Share 6 representative student work examples or your class chart or table – full class sets not needed.
  • We May Publicly Share Images of Student Work, so please only share photos or student work that CRS may share out. 


Submit or share to:  

To navigate back to the main Science Super Star Challenge page, click here.