CRS Provides Broader Impact Design & Implementation Support for Researchers

Support for Broader Impacts

We help researchers design and implement effective, efficient broader impacts programs. Design and planning support is provided at no charge for UC Berkeley researchers-- we are your partners in sharing your science with students, teachers, and a wider audience.

  • Designing Effective Outreach Efforts to Meet Your Goals & Reach Target Audience
  • Training for Graduate Students (Communicaing Science, Leading Inquiry, Engaging Educators)
  • Nuts & Bolts: Checklists, Tools, Best Practices
  • Logistical Support
  • Connections to Partners and Resources
  • Data Collection & Measuring Impact

Contact us:

(510) 527-5212

Be a Scientist Mentor Landscape

Handy Planning Resources & Information


Research & Statistics to Reference in Grant Proposals

Next Generation Science Standards
CRS Overview: Engaging Scientists to Engage in K-12 Outreach