
Our Shared Story of Openings

April 2022

For 25 years, CRS has been providing openings that magnify children’s understanding of our world and reveal possible pathways into future exploring, inventing, discovering and creating.

Children open their eyes wide as they look closely at the leaves of a mighty oak through a hand lens, peer at wriggling microorganisms through a microscope, or imagine the challenges of unfurling solar panels in the vastness of space.

Teachers open their classrooms to welcome in visiting scientists who invite children to wonder and to see themselves as belonging in the world of science. Educators participate in workshops that encourage them to expand into outdoor learning spaces, opening opportunities for children to form a bond with nature and an understanding of the interconnection between humans and our environment.

We’re providing openings into science equity for the grown-ups we serve, too. Introducing pathways for teachers to grow more skilled, confident and effective. Curating opportunities for scientists to share their research and stories, to gain skills in communicating important concepts while also helping to lift up a more inclusive next generation.

We provide openings for world-class museums, environmental education programs, and other partners to build awareness about the amazing resources available to take learning to new heights, beyond classroom walls.

Join us this Spring as CRS celebrates the many forms of openings that you, our donors, teacher colleagues, partners, volunteers, and friends have made possible over the past 25 years. Together, we have opened eyes and ears and minds, pathways and opportunities, imaginations and inspiration.

In this newsletter, and throughout the Spring, we will share stories of the impact these openings have had, and acknowledge the people who were there when CRS opened our doors in 1997.

We welcome all who will support our efforts to continue opening doors to science equity and opportunity for the next 25 years.