
Openings to the Future

Our Expanded Mission: Foster Belonging & Agency

CRS mission tree

For CRS, turning 25 in 2022 has meant a year of celebration, reflection and mapping a way forward toward greater equity and opportunity in science education. Building on our core values, including equity, curiosity, and collaboration, our updated mission will ensure CRS continues to support teachers working to cultivate a sense of belonging and agency for young learners in the classroom.

Sharing stories is one important way to broaden a sense of belonging and interest. In the coming years, CRS will do even more to share the stories of scientists of color and others who are ‘under-represented in STEM’, to lift up examples of those who have used their love of learning and endless curiosity to make groundbreaking discoveries to improve their communities.

Building a sense of stewardship and agency is another important strategy to foster belonging and empowerment. CRS will increase our efforts to ensure teachers and scientists are well-equipped to lead students in conversations, explorations, and action projects to understand and address climate change and environmental justice. 

Through scientist outreach programs and teacher training and support, CRS will elevate our shared understanding of how today’s children perceive their changing environments and their ability to effectively bring about positive change.

Teachers are the most powerful levers of change. Each teacher impacts hundreds, or even thousands, of individual young people during their time in the classroom. We will continue to support their important work of creating lasting memories, nurturing student identities and aspirations, and inspiring children to envision their own pathways into bright futures.


K-12 educators from around the East Bay deepened their understanding of how to effectively teach students about climate change through active learning experiences during the two-day Climate Institute co-hosted by CRS and OTACA.

We embark on our next 25 years with determination, hope, focus and a spirit of wonder, exploration and discovery. Thank you for being partners in this journey!