
Openings to Scientists in our Community

Industry Partners Leading K8 Science Investigations

October 2022
“What do you think is inside the bubble?” asks a smiling Clorox summer intern as the bubble expands, rainbow colors swirling.
Children “Ooh” and “Aah” as the bubble appears to drip from the pipe, wondering if it will pop.

“Where do you think the gas comes from?”
She prompts fascinated students, asking them to consider what is happening here. She holds up a piece of dry ice, preparing for a second run of the experiment. The second graders eagerly watch the solid turn into a gas, forming another colorful bubble. “Sublimation!” they shout in unison as she reminds the students of the new vocabulary they have learned to describe the results they are observing.

It was the start of a Day of Science, presented by 2 dozen Clorox summer interns, reaching an entire Oakland elementary school. After two years of pandemic disruptions, the Clorox volunteers were eager to return to leading science explorations at schools in the community.


Whether they are Zooming from their labs or lugging tubs of materials to classrooms for in-person presentations, the scientists and engineers from UC Berkeley and local industry partners who volunteer in CRS outreach programs are eager to engage with students and demonstrate the wonder of science.

In their day-jobs, these scientists and engineers focus on developing eco-friendly products or research cures for debilitating spinal diseases, or ensure safe port operations, and more. In addition to the change they are making in their fields today, they are equally invested in helping the next generation of scientists discover the scientific changes they can make .



Industry partners are supporting scientist outreach programs across the East Bay by giving their time to share science stories with students, using the power of teamwork to build science kits, and providing essential financial support to step up to help save science teaching and learning!