
Openings to Discovery

Teachers Using Science to Guide Real World Explorations

October 2022

“How do the sprouts grow out of the seed?,” asked one eager Kindergartener as she walked with her classmates among the pink, yellow and orange flowers blooming in the elementary school garden. Working in pairs, the students carefully selected crayons to match the colors of the flower petals.

Back in the classroom, the teacher led the students in a discussion of how plants grow, drawing on their experience in the garden. “As we were outside drawing the plants, they really looked closely at what plants actually look like.”

Moments like this capture how East Bay teachers are engaging their students in questioning, discussing, and finding science connections in their daily lives. This year’s Champions of Discovery Challenge offers an opportunity for teachers and students to track their journey of science explorations, and celebrate their accomplishments by the end of the year.

Throughout the school year, teachers and students explore six unique challenges. As they ask questions, collect data, and meet scientists from the community, sparks of curiosity lead to investigations, which lead to greater understanding of the world.

Designed to encourage and support elementary teachers to include meaningful science learning for their students, the Challenge will culminate in the Spring with recognition and prizes for successful classes.

Here are some of the submissions we have received so far this year!