Middle School Physical Science Websites

Websites for Middle School Physical Science

These websites support the NGSS standards at this grade level and are labeled by the type of website that it is (Student or Teacher Background, Student Online Activities, Teacher Activities, Student or Teacher Videos).

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List of 101 Science Websites by Best Teacher Blog. Has a wide variety of sites for teachers and students. Sorted by topic. Great jumping off place for finding resources.Teacher Blogs
This Web site from the American Chemical Society features an interactive Periodic Table (using Shockwave). The information presented is divided into three sections. In the first, Periodic Table, students will find attributes such as melting point and molar heat capacity for the elements. The second part illustrates the electron configurations of each of the elements, helping students to better understand the concept. The last section allows users to plot data based on the elements' attributes including atomic radius and electro negativity. Great teacher background and place for students to get deeper into chemistry.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Index of questions and answers about basic science questions, plus links to other "ask a scientist" sites.Teacher Background
Photos, descriptions, $40 Bat Trunk Rental for teachers. You can also look at PDF versions of their magazine. Lots of information about batsStudent Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This site includes videos on various species of bats and the places they live. Find lots of other resources on background information, activity ideas, printable posters and more.Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos;Worksheets
This site serves as a clearing house for public science programs around the Bay Area. Sign up for their weekly e-mail that keeps you up to date with classes and lectures and events around the area.Teacher Background
Click on the pictures of the birds to hear Songs and calls of some New York State birds. Some of the birds (and their families) are also in California. Also has links to other bird song sites.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - Cool animated movies, quizzes, facts about electricity; site features subjects that correspond to National Science Standards. Parents: See Family Access.Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
SUBSCRIPTION ONLY - Cool animated movies, quizzes, lesson plans, and facts about science and technology; site features subjects that correspond to National Science Standards. Parents: See Family Access. Available in English, Spanish, French and an ESL Version. Inidividual license is $115 per year (as of January 2016). Classroom (4 devices is $220/year)Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Worksheets
This site has a nice activity for building a desktop suspension bridge. There are also more activities on "building Big" about building Dams, skyscrapers, domes and tunnels.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Resource that connects agriculture to your science curriculum. Simple machines, plants, life cycles, meeting needs, interdisciplinary topics and more. Lessons are split into K-3, 4-6, 7-8, and 9-12. Plus a Teacher Resource Guide. Everything is free to download.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
CERNLand is a virtual themepark that uses multimedia, interactive games, and fun lessons to bring the excitement of physics to children starting from the age of 7. No prior or in-depth knowledge of physics is required, only enthusiasm.Student Background;Student Online Activities
This site includes a wealth of well-written background info about chemistry. Includes basic principles of chemistry, with more advanced topics of bonding, isotopes and element families in the periodic table.Student Background;Teacher Background
Pyrotechnics: It's Elemental. Anyone who has seen a fireworks display has probably wondered, "How'd they do that?" Well it's actually quite elemental -- The Periodic Table of the Elements, that is. Click on the elements to find out about their role in fireworks displays.Student Background;Student Online Activities
This is a curriculum about the history and science of ice cream and chocolateTeacher Activities;Teacher Background
The following activity uses the movement of color in milk to give some hints about what type of milk it is. At one point, the color moves pretty fast so don't let it get past-your-eyes!!Teacher Activities
This site has fun, clear infographics on a wide range of chemistry topics. From aroma chemistry, to poison chemistry to food chemistry, to Christmas chemistry and also some alcoholic beverage chemistry. So be aware if you have students look at the site on the own.Student Background;Teacher Background
Log in is required, but is free. Students can earn "badges." The Curiosity Machine hosts collection of exciting (and sometimes very challenging) experiments and projects designed for children, along with their parents, to encourage curiosity, creativity and persistence! 1. OBSERVEwatch videos of actual engineers and scientists talking to children about the inventions and projects they work on. 2. BUILDget ideas from the videos and create your very own invention. 3. SHAREshare your adventure photos and videos, sketches and thinking.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Find a wealth of lesson plans by subject (math, physics, astronomy, human body, literature, technology, history, life science, physical science, earth science) and grade level. Also provides links to other websites and other resources to help engage students.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Science lessons at every grade level and topicTeacher Activities
Thissite is produced by the George Lucas Educational Foundation. It offers articles, lesson plans and social networks on best practices in schools in all different subject areas.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Eleducador is a Colombian website full of links to lesson plans for science as well as other subjects. This page contains links to Science for middle- and highschool-age students. Lesson plans are presented in "Scientific Method" format. Vocabulary, activities, and articles for teachers are included. Site is free for use and available only in Spanish.Teacher Activities
Kid-friendly background reading, including pages on the various families in the periodic table, a brief explanation of periodicity, etc.Student Background;Teacher Background
links to a wide variety of teaching resources; curriculum and lesson plans; on-line data projects, etc.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Teacher background on magnetism, including great history, experiments and Spanish translation.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Through the University of California - Berkeley's magnetism activity guide "students will act as scientists discovering magnetic fields and electromagnetism through inquiry and measurement." The materials, which can be viewed either in pdf of html format, are divided into three activity sessions and one chapter containing background information, outside resources, and a glossary for educators. By the end of the lessons, students will have designed a magnetometer boom, which is an integral piece of a spacecrTeacher Activities;Teacher Background
Build your own rolller coaster while learning about all the different forces that go into creating a roller coasterStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
This site has video links (to Youtube) for lots of different science topics. It also has lots of advertisements in the pages. Good reference for finding videos. Then we suggest you bookmark the YouTube url so that you can find it again with fewer ads to look at while students are present.Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
A great place to learn about the way all kinds of things function in the world. Learn about everything from guitars, to cruise missiles, to engines, to weather, to the cells in your own body. For parents, see "Homestuff" for great at-home learning activities.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
In NASA's "Foam Rocket" activity, students build rubber-band-powered rockets and launch them at various angles to learn about rocket stability and trajectory. This lesson provides students with an excellent hands-on perspective on key mathematical concepts as well as data analysis and reasoning.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This website has a great series of videos on how batteries and work and how to make several different ones in the classroom (potato, lemon, using coins and using a film canister). The site plays a short commercial before the video, but the video is worth it.Student Videos;Teacher Videos
Step by step directions with photos of the whole process.Student Background;Teacher Background
How to make purple cabbage pH indicator. Step by stepTeacher Activities
SMILE is a collection of educational materials on the web – all designed especially for those who teach school-aged kids in non-classroom settings. SMILE is a group of science museums dedicated to bringing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) out of the academic cloister and into the wider world. All organizations are resource hubs for educational programs that involve people of all ages and backgrounds.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Explanation and animated puzzles and games about photosynthesis at the most basic level.Student Background;Student Online Activities
NASA site exploring “what is your cosmic connection to the elements.” Games, research projects, role-playing activities and more. An accompanying pamphlet and poster can be ordered through the site. NASA site exploring “what is your cosmic connection to the elements.” Games, research projects, role-playing activities and more. An accompanying pamphlet and poster can be ordered through the site.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
printable and on-line games like elemental bingo (whole class set of sheets!)Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
On-line & downloadable games, activities all about chemistry and the periodic table. Great resource for kids and teachers. Element Hangman, Element Bingo, and more.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This website has videos and practices exercises to support Upper Elementary, Middle School and High School science and math. Good background for teachers. New videos being added all the time.Student Background;Teacher Background
The QUEST Website produced by KQED is a wonderful place to explore for videos, interactive maps, blogs and science resources and stories from around the Bay Area.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Lab4Physics is a mobile APP especially created for Physics teachers and students that allows them to use smartphones and tablets as lab instruments. This tool will help students experiment and develop new skills. Speedometer, Accelerometer, Sound. FREETeacher Activities;App
This website offers a host of worksheets on all different topics and grade levels. It is free, but you must register to have access to all their resourcesStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
A physical science lesson plan about wave motion using interesting activities and references, covering the properties and propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
List of the elements of the periodic table in spanish.Student Background;Teacher Background
A list of lesson plans for teaching about magnets.Teacher Activities
Lots of facts, activity and experiment ideas, and links to fascinating information about magnets.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Students apply information about the Ocean Conveyor Belt to predict the movement of a spill of rubber ducks in the ocean.Student Online Activities
An interactive periodic table that allows you to see how temperature affects magnetism and state of matter. Each element also links to http://www.periodicvideos.com/Student Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Background
This YouTube Channel has a great assortment of short videos showing all things physical. Fun and EduationalStudent Videos;Teacher Videos;Teacher Blogs
6:25 minutes long. Why do magnets work. Some of it higher than elementary level, but still engaging and give great background info for the kids who are ready for more.Student Background;Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
1:58 minutes long. Why do we have tides?Student Videos;Teacher Videos;Teacher Blogs
NASA Wavelength is your pathway into a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels – from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs. Use NASA Wavelength to quickly and easily locate resources, connect them to other websites using atom feeds, and even share the resources you discover with others through social media and email.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Join the Ologists at the american Museum of Natural History as the ask and answer some questions about paleontology.Student Background;Student Online Activities
Here is some nice background for the physics of Oobleck and a recipe for it and some other slimy stuff.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Questions and answers from kids and light and opticsStudent Background;Teacher Background
The goal of Design Squad is to give students a stronger understanding of the design process, and the connection between engineering and the things we all use in everyday life. The results of engineering are all around us: from cars to cameras and everything in between. Design Squad Nation equips kids with science and math skills, inspires them, and lays the foundation they need to participate in engineering activities later in life. Use these Design Squad Nation resources to explore the world of science and engineering.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Games, Teacher Source, information on educational shows. Extra support for parents found in "PBS Parents" section.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities
PBS Learning Media is a free digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. Easy to search!!! You’ll find thousands of media resources, support materials, and tools for classroom lessons, individualized learning programs, and teacher professional learning communities.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
A collection of videos produced in the UK. Each video is of a different eleement. Could be useful for demonstration/whole class viewing and discussion.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Background
Lot's of free power point presentations on all kinds of science (and other) topics. Some are designed for use in teaching lessons wih the class. Others are designed for students to explore on their own. Generally uses simple terms and explains them, so it is useful with ELL students. Not sorted by grade level.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This site has lots of different simulations for many aspects of electricity and magnetism and circuits.Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This site has lots of different simulations for many different science and math topicsStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This site has an online quiz, online games, and short videos about different aspects of photosynthesisStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Worksheets
Includes background information on photosynthesis and lesson plan ideas set up in a series of power point presentations that can be used for planning or in the classroom.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Examples of all types of waves are found in nature. Our understanding of the physical world is not complete until we understand the properties and behaviors of waves. Mechanical waves require a material "medium" through which to travel, electromagnetic waves do not.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This Pinterest Board has a wide assortment of lesson ideas for a force and motion unit.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Instructions on how to make a pizza box solar oven.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This website exploring microscopy and optics features an on-screen animation of a "powers of ten" image series! If you explore around the website, you'll also find other fascinating digital microscopy images as well as background and activities about light and lenses.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
The National Energy Education Department (NEED) provides curriculum guides and activities online and helpful energy saving information. Look for the curriculum guide for teaching Greek Mythology and the Forms of Energy and an energy songbook. Kids information on energy and links to other energy websites.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This website has images of common molecules and more.Student Background;Teacher Background
Fun filled site with lots of experiments to choose from.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Browse through the topic headings to find links to the subjects you are studying. Across the links are fun pages with vocabulary, informative slideshows, quizzes, and games for students.Student Background;Student Online Activities
Links to Science Bilingual and ESL Glossaries.Teacher Background
Science Fair Central is a comprehensive guide to creating your science fair project! Soup to Nuts Handbook - Everything you need to know about creating a science fair project. Project Ideas - A list of project topics to help you get started. Links & Books - Web sites and books you can use for research. Plus, Q&A with Janice VanCleave and Teacher Background information. Parents: Visit 'For Parents' section.Student Background;Teacher Background
Science Friday has a host of activities for classes and students to do. Wide range of topics.Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Activities and background on static electricity and atoms. Includes age-appropriate language and vocabulary, sections for early and advanced readers.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Articles written for students on current topics in the news. Science News Explores was launched in 2003 by Society for Science & the Public (SSP) as a youth edition and companion to the Society’s Science News magazine. The Society is a nonprofit membership organization based in Washington, DC. Founded in 1921, and first known as Science Service, the Society advances the popular understanding of science through publications and educational competitions and programs. Its mission is to promote the understanding and appreciation of science and the vital role it plays in human advancement: to inform, educate, and inspire.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Make toys with common household materials including electromagnets, motors, radios, rockets, kaleidoscopes, and more.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Ask the experts questions about astronomy, biology, chemistry, computers or geology.Student Background;Teacher Background
Check out this highly interactive site featuring a whimsical, blimp-like weather lab in the sky. Run the Joke Machine, travel the World of Weather Folklore and do other fun stuff. Need to do free login to play some of the online games.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Share My Lesson is a place where educators can come together to create and share their very best teaching resources. Developed by teachers for teachers, this free platform gives access to high-quality teaching resources and provides an online community where teachers can collaborate with, encourage and inspire each other. Share My Lesson has a significant resource bank for Common Core State Standards, covering all aspects of the standards, from advice and guides to help with dedicated resources that support the standards. Share My Lesson was developed by the American Federation of Teachers and TES Connect, the largest network of teachers in the world. Membership is always freeTeacher Activities
This power point like presentation is a review of a Force and Motion Lesson. Embedded in the slide deck are links to short videosStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
This webpage has over 200 chemistry lesson plans. All are single concept lesson plansTeacher Activities;Teacher Background
This webpage has over 200 physics lesson plans. All are single concept lesson plansTeacher Activities;Teacher Background
The Smithsonian Learning Lab puts the treasures of the world's largest museum, education, and research complex within reach. The Lab is a free, interactive platform for discovering millions of authentic digital resources, creating content with online tools, and sharing in the Smithsonian's expansive community of knowledge and learning.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Anything and everything you could ever want to know about solar cooking. :Lots of different kinds of plans. Try to few to see which works best.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This site provides nice information and a background to solar energy. Many links to other sites that specialize in different aspects of energy production or use.Student Background;Teacher Background
Creative teachers can use music to teach content across the curriculum -- to students of all ages. A host of experts brings you tested ideas for using the magic of music in your lesson plans.Teacher Background
Website includes K-12 classroom activities for the following topics: Weather, Climate Change, Sun-Earth Connections, and Atmosphere and Chemistry. Spark engages people in the wonder and relevance of science. We focus on scientific literacy, workforce development, and community engagement.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos;Worksheets
To help educators raise sun safety awareness, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the SunWise School Program for grades K-8. SunWise Partner Schools sponsor classroom and school-wide activities that raise children's awareness of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and simple sun safety practices. When you sign up to be a Sunwise school, you can share data online with other individuals. Your kit will include lessons, a UV-sensitive Frisbee, and the On the Trail of the Missing Ozone comic book. Registered SunWise Partner Schools can enter daily UV forecast and intensity data, map and graph data online!Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
The TeachEngineering digital library provides teacher-tested, standards-based engineering content for K-12 teachers to use in science and math classrooms. Engineering lessons connect real-world experiences with curricular content already taught in K-12 classrooms. Mapped to educational content standards, TeachEngineering's comprehensive curricula are hands-on, inexpensive, and relevant to children's daily lives.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This Exploratorium website has a little bit about everything about food. Find sections on Eggs, Candy, Meat, Bread, Spices and more. Visit organic farms, try out experiments and recipes.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Join 7th grade integrated science and math teacher Zara Acosta as she leads her students through a 6-week catapult design project. Students learn about the laws of motion and forces, probability, and engineering design, and then apply these principles to design their own catapult. Multiple firings of the catapult the project give students practice with data analysis, with the goal of improving the catapult's accuracy.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
This website includes sections on the science of Baseball, Surfing, Cycling, skateboarding and hockey. Also includes articles on the use of hands and feet in sports and how they work.Student Background;Teacher Background
This website has articles and radio clips on a wide range of science topicsStudent Background;Teacher Background
Interactive periodic table that not only lists out every discovered element to date, but also shows a specific usage for each element.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
The Museum of Glass in Tacoma, Washington offers this website on the various aspects, artistic and scientfic on glass. Website has live camera of glass artists at workStudent Background;Teacher Background
This site features on-line exhibits, movies and answers many questions about what makes music.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
This site is about the wooden periodic table (yes a real table) built by Theodore W. Gray. It also has pictures of the samples of the elements contained in the table.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
n this time-lapse video based on data from the NASA MODIS satellite, you'll witness the influence of the sun on the seasonal abundance of plant matter produced on land and in our oceans. Some questions to consider as you watch: What is "carbon absorption" a measure of? How do plants respond to seasonal changes in sunlight? Which areas of our planet are most productive, and why?Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Animated Version of the Tom Leher song of the Elements.Student Online Activities
This excellent website has resources for learning all about science and science education. Practical and interestingTeacher Background
Use this site to find images from a myriad of topics.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
shows ordered arrays of various elements and compounds that can be rotated by student in space. Good research site.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
This website has free educational videos on all topics (including science) for all age levels. There is specifically a section for younger learners.Student Background;Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey's Water Science for Schools World Wide Web site. This site offers a broad range of information about water.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities
Straight forward description of the unique properties of water.Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
The WebElements scholar edition aims to be a high quality source of information on the WWW about the periodic table for students. You will find many pictures showing element structures and periodic properties.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Ever wanted to know what something was made of? This site from Chemical and Engineering News gives in-depth explanations of what’s in everything from kitty litter to silly putty to asphalt.Student Background;Teacher Background
Extensive website of all areas of earth science. Lots of nice images. Games, worksheets and puzzles. Some real data on atmospheric science. You can use the free version with advertizements scrolling at top or sgn up for membership with no advertizementsStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
free sign up. Simulations and lesson plans on a variety of topics for middle and High school science.Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
YouTube for teachers is designed with playlists for your classroom or search for specific topics.Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos