Mentor & Role Model Spotlights

Joyful Science Moments

october 2024 moment of the month
October 2024

Meet the UC Berkeley scientists and engineers coming to East Bay elementary classrooms! 

Students studying neuroscience, electrical engineering, chemistry, and more, joined us on a sunny September afternoon at the Fall Kickoff to learn what CRS has in store for science and engineering outreach in East Bay classrooms. Students ranging from undergraduates to postdocs were eager to find new ways to connect with their peers and give back to their communities. We can’t wait to send both new and familiar teams to meet students this Fall!

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september joyful moment
September 2024

Thanks to the teachers from Berkeley, Oakland, and West Contra Costa school districts who participated in our first ever Show Off Your Science Space Photo Challenge who shared images of how they set up their classrooms to welcome their new students and set the tone for a year of joyful learning. 

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extreme precipitation moment
August 2024

More than 50 teachers attend our two week-long Climate Justice Institutes. Elementary, middle and high school teachers from Berkeley Oakland, West Contra Costa, Hayward and San Leandro school districts delved into data, designed lessons using mapping tools, and planned outdoor learning experiences for their students

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Teachers gathering in a Garden and observing plants
July 2024

Gathered on a summer morning in a verdant, colorful garden abuzz with pollinators, the 20 teachers in our newest cohort of peer coaches eagerly shared with one another stories of what joyful science learning looks like in their elementary classrooms.

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2023.34 Impact Report cover
June 2024

Our Joyful Moment of the Month took place at Grant Elementary in Richmond as our CRS team brought a "STEM Day at the Beach" activities for 500 kids! Kindergarteners delighted in stretching out colorful nylon ropes across the schoolyard to discover how big marine mammals from otters to giant blue whales are, while 3rd graders built "driftwood" structures from paper dowels and engineered foil boats to transport toy bears.

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Storytime moment
May 2024

Scientist and Engineer Mentors from Amyris and Bio-Rad read science stories and explored the engineering of storm drains with more than 400 students across West Contra Costa and Oakland this May! Students put their engineering hats on, shared ideas, and designed tools to pluck, hook, and lasso materials out the storm drain, including the coveted rubber ducky.

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April 2024

Congratulations to the 2024 Champions of Discovery! More than 30 teachers -- and their nearly 3,000 elementary students -- in West Contra Costa, Berkeley, Oakland and San Leandro documented their science learning journey through the 2023-24 school year. 

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2023 Annual Report Cover
March 2024

2023 was a year filled with facilitating Eureka moments for children, teachers and scientists alike. We are happy to share a glimpse into some of these Eureka! moments, and to demonstrate how we carefully raise and steward the funds entrusted to us to carry out our mission of fostering joyful science learning experiences, in our newly released 2023 Annual Report. 

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youth action day
February 2024

We were inspired by the student climate activists featured during the Martin Luther King Day Climate Action event put on by Youth Action for the Planet in partnership with Cal Academy of Sciences. The CRS team shared resources and connected with awesome student climate activists from organizations and schools throughout the Bay Area! 

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images of boats and towers drawn by children
January 2024

CRS programming would not be possible without the support of our UC Berkeley Bay Area Scientists Inspiring Students, aka BASIS teams! In 2023, Cal BASIS Teams shared their passions for science and engineering with more than 10,000 elementary and middle school students, across fields including chemistry, physics, biology, paleontology, engineering and more! 

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BAS joyful moment december square
December 2023

In the Be a Scientist program in 7th grade classrooms, students have been designing their own experiments, following their curiosity and applying the scientific process to gain a deeper understanding of something they are interested in.

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November Joyful Science Moment square
November 2023

This Fall, teachers are exploring the natural world with their students as part of the CRS Champions of Discovery Challenge. Students are engaging with science phenomena by wandering in their school gardens, learning in outdoor classrooms, and observing and sketching plants and insects up close! 

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Port of Oakland Day of Science
October 2023

Our September Moment of Science Joy featured employees from the Port of Oakland and volunteers from the San Leandro Education Foundation and the Rotary Club of San Leandro communities leading a day-long Science & Engineering Festival for an entire elementary school in San Leandro. 

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sep joyful science moment (1)
September 2023

Our joyful science moments of the summer came as the CRS team watched more than one dozen newly-minted educator peer coaches gather together with small groups of same-grade elementary teachers in the glorious Blake Gardens during our two Joyful Math and Science summer workshop series.

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climate institute 2023 square
August 2023

What is your climate story?  
That’s the question CRS and OTACA asked teachers from Berkeley, Oakland, West Contra Costa, Hayward, San Leandro, San Francisco and even Los Angeles–last week at our 2023 Climate Institute, held at Chabot Space and Science Center. 

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Reviving Joyful Science Teaching and Learning - 2
July 2023

This school year, CRS partners, donors, and STEM professionals brought the wonder of science to teachers and students across 150 East Bay schools! 

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June Joyful science
June 2023

On an early spring morning, scientist role models walked into the Oakland elementary school’s multipurpose room, with wide smiles and coffee in hand, ready to lead 150 young learners in explorations.

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joyful science champions of discovery
May 2023

Thank you to our Champions of Discovery, and all of our teachers, for creating learning environments where both science, and scientists can flourish. This is what fostering belonging looks like in today’s classrooms!

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april joyful science
April 2023

Celebrating and recognizing the 55 inspiring teacher role models from across 34 schools for their excellence in the 2022-2023 Champions of Discovery Challenge

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joyful science moment of the month
March 2023

Celebrating the scientists, educators, and graduate students that made the CRS events, collaborations, and programs in 2022 possible in our 2022 Annual Report, and the impact they had on science teaching and learning throughout the East Bay.

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Joyful Science Feb (2)
February 2023

Celebrating scientist teams at The Clorox Company and Pliant Therapeutics for two mornings of science-filled fun, teaching Oakland students all about microorganisms and fermentation, and making connections between hands-on science, art, and nature.

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science joy moment jan (1)
January 2023

Celebrating teacher-developed lessons piloted exploring the properties of light and sparking science joy for first graders in Richmond classrooms!

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November Science Joy Science Rock Star
December 2022

With in-person visits back in swing, students, like this Oakland 4th grade class, are enjoying getting the opportunity to be curious, ask questions, and make discoveries about the everyday world through science!

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joyful science november
November 2022

Celebrating the delightful, creative examples of how teachers and their students are discovering science phenomena in their daily lives as they complete the first challenge of our 2022-23 Champions of Discovery Challenge.

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