
Young Scientists Need Supplies for Experiments

Getting Creative to Enable “Hands On” Science During Distance Learning

When school doors closed in March due to COVID-19, for many elementary students across the state, science learning simply came to a halt because of lack of equitable access to materials for science lessons at home. Without these materials, active science learning is all but impossible since teachers as a matter of equity don’t want to assign a lesson that only some of the students can take part in. Having access to basic science supplies and tools is critical.

To meet that need, CRS is engaging business sponsors to provide funds for Go Science! Kits of materials to support at-home experiments and observations. Together with Bayer and the Berkeley Public Schools Fund, we’ve already sent home science material kits and notebooks to thousands of students across Berkeley elementary schools.

These supplies will definitely enhance my students’ learning experience during this time of distance learning, and provide equity for all to have access to the same materials we can use for experiments and active learning,” says BUSD elementary science specialist Lynda Hampton.

She adds students really miss being together in school, and getting these materials helped bring excitement and a sense of normalcy, “just like passing around supplies in the classroom.”

Upon receiving their materials, her Emerson Elementary students responded enthusiastically. One said, “It’s comforting to know that I have the supplies at home and I don’t have to rush around the house looking for things.” Others said the materials will “help us with being a scientist” and be “more ready to do science-y stuff.

They may be young but the students understand how the learning they do today connects with the opportunities they will have in the future. Said one young learner:

“I appreciate that I have the items to help me get a role in science in the future.”

Additional businesses, such as East Bay Community Energy, have joined the effort. CRS will be getting supplies to teachers in Richmond and Oakland in the coming weeks.

Know a business that might like to become a sponsor? Send ‘em our way!

Contact Teresa Barnett at