We Couldn’t Do It Without You!

We Couldn’t Do It Without You!

“Having a BASIS lesson in my class is better than getting free Hamilton tickets! “

Kids are not the only ones delighted when scientists from CRS arrive in their classrooms – teachers love their “rock star” guests as well! Your gifts help make these magical experiences that spark wonder, exploration, and discovery possible.

As thank you notes from teachers and students alike begin pouring into the CRS mailbox, we see the many ways our BASIS teams engage and inspire thousands of children and teachers to keep the learning going well beyond the classroom visit.

We count on our donors to keep the momentum going – more volunteers to recruit and train, lesson kits to assemble, teachers to support!

Our goal: $40,000 this Fall — give today and your gift will be doubled through a matching pledge.The CRS Board will match all gifts up to $20,000!


Click Here to Donate!