Professional Development Workshops

Current Professional Development Workshops

CRS workshops are designed to help build knowledge, skills and confidence in science teaching. We offer customized, virtual and on-site, free or low cost professional development workshops to meet the needs, budget, and time constraints of individual schools and districts. Our workshops are fast-paced sessions that provide teachers with techniques, resource connections, tools, and planning time. Workshops are offered to both teacher groups of ten or more and whole faculties. To discuss your school's professional development needs and goals, please email us at

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I avoided science all through school, from high school through college. I always felt intimidated. After this training I feel so much more empowered to be a scientist! Thank you so much.
- West Contra Costa teacher

Schools can select individual workshops from the list below, or request a series of workshops customized to meet your needs throughout the year.

CRS member schools in Oakland, Berkeley, West Contra Costa, and Emeryville are eligible to receive one FREE CRS professional development workshop this year.


  • Using Science Notebooks to build student ELA skills through science
  • Close Observation: Science Sketching to build understanding and make student thinking visible
  • Marvelous Models: How do you know what you know? We use models to help understand our world, to explain and understand and even predict everything from weather and our place in the solar system, to our health and environment, to how our computers work – and so much more!
  • Science Content: Presentations from scientists on topics in Life, Earth, Space, and Physical science. Learn what's new in research, dispel myths and misunderstandings, ask questions to build your confidence in the topics you teach.  Arranged by special request.
  • Introduction to Elementary Engineering: What it is, Why it matters, and How to Get Started
  • Advanced Elementary Engineering: Design Challenges for K-2, and 3-5 Classrooms
  • Understanding the new science standards (Next Generation Science Standards) & How they Connect With Common Core Standards
  • Talk like a scientist: Discourse (polite arguing!) is now encouraged in the classroom
  • Throw a Fantastic Science & Engineering Festival: Tips, Tricks, and Low-cost materials for Successful Events
  • No-fears, no-tears Science Fair Explorations: Engage the Whole Class in Science Investigations & Engineering Challenges
  • Taking Science Teaching and Learning to the Next Level: Resources, Planning Tools, and Recognition for Excellence This workshop can range from 30 minutes to one hour; we provide an overview of the CRS support services, individual or grade level consulting to find resources, tools for effective science lesson planning, and a step-by-step guide to earning recognition for excellence through the CRS Science Super Star Challenge.