Watershed Education in our Urban Ecosystem

Watershed Education in our Urban Ecosystem

Workshop Date:  May 20, 2021

Grades 6-8
Presented By: The Watershed Project

Our Ecosystem, Our Community: Greening Urban Watersheds is a hands-on, flexible middle school curriculum. Students explore biodiversity and interdependence in their own urban ecosystem, test green infrastructure models, and create pollinator habitat. Teachers will walk through the lessons, try out some of the activities (games, journaling, mindfulness), learn and share tips and tricks for leading activities with students, and brainstorm ways to adapt and implement the unit with their classes. Teachers will gain lesson plans for 5 in-class (distance or in-person) lessons and 7 homework/asynchronous assignments, details on where to obtain lesson materials, and how to teach outdoor science and support students’ mental health even from home.

Resources from this Workshop