Doing Science Outdoors

This is a collection of resources we have used in some of our professional development workshops. You can use them as a jumping off place when planning to get your students outside to do science.

Great places to do science outdoors:

  • School Garden
  • Playground - great for doing force and motion activities, tracking shadows, water studies
  • Local park
  • East Bay Regional Parks

California “Education and the Environment Initiative”

The K-12 EEI curriculum contains units by grade level, integrating environmental education and science. Teachers can download the units for free (registration required), and online training is available. Teachers who view an online webinar can receive 2 units of printed material for free.

Outdoor Biology Instructional Strategies, OBIS 
(older site that uses http instead of https, but checks as safe by Norton)
Free online curriculum materials developed by the Lawrence Hall of Science, for elementary outdoor science explorations on schoolyards, nearby parks and creeks, and school gardens. Units were developed prior to NGSS, so alignment is not articulated in the units, but they are phonemon-centric and engage students in observation of, and critical thinking about, the outdoor environment - these activities can be “gateways” into deeper scientific units. Easy to lead, requires little additional materials.