Science Notebooking and Sketching

Science notebooking and sketching encourages students to wonder about the world and fosters meaning making. Here are some tips to start sketching in your classroom.

Before you Begin
  • Look at examples of real scientist notebooks for inspiration, real world connections.
    • Samples available online from BEETLES at Lawrence Hall of Science. 
    • Notable Notebooks: Scientists and their Writings” by Jessica Fries-Gaither, kid-friendly book
    • Remember the purpose of science sketching: to convey important information about an observed specimen or phenomenon
    • Introduce the sketching topic with with our Example Sentence Frames worksheet
  • Texture-Drawing-Tips_5000x500
    The 5 Sketching Principles: “ABCDE”
    • Accuracy: Sketch for accuracy and descriptiveness, not beauty. Focus on the shape, outline and dimension first, then move on to the finer details.
    • Big: Use the whole page or draw the specimen at different scales to zoom in on one section
    • Colorful: add color with colored pencils or crayon if the colors help to represent the object. No colored pencils? Label the color with an arrow pointing to the specific section.
    • Detailed: After you get the outline, add noticeable details like shading and texture.
      - For example: If you are drawing a leaf, what makes this leaf different from a leaf from another type of plant?
      - Lines, Textures, and Shading Handout from Katie Bertsche
    • Explain: Add a few words to describe what you might not be able to draw, add arrows or other symbols to help explain what you are observing
    Simple Sketching Prompts
    (Adapted from BEETLES
    & UC Natural History Museums)