Teacher Member Services
As Members of CRS,
Teachers Gain Skill & Build Community
The research is clear: young learners need more access to robust, meaningful, authentic science and engineering experiences to build critical thinking skills and to gain an understanding of the world they live in. That's why CRS has been committed to meeting the individual and collective needs of teachers and schools for more than two decades.
Membership in CRS means you are part of a dynamic network of scientists, museums, nature programs, educators, and partners all working together to strengthen science teaching and learning. If you are a member, take a look at all the services we offer. And, if you're not a member yet, we invite you to join!
CRS provides programs and services to our members over the long term, because there are no "quick fixes" to the challenges of building science literacy in young learners. Teachers can turn to CRS throughout the year for timely information, personal planning support, professional development offerings, curated online resources, fun teacher-only events, and scientist-led learning experiences to inspire and engage students.
Bring More Science to Your Students
Become a CRS Member Today

Do you teach at an elementary school in Oakland Unified, Berkeley Unified, Emery Unified, or West Contra Costa Unified (excluding charter schools)?
If so, we have secured grant funding to give you free CRS membership for the 2024-25 school year
Your CRS Membership Today

All other teachers
Our 12 month membership is $40 per year
CRS Membership Today