Support for Districts and Principals

CRS supports science education in schools
by working with administrators, principals, and teachers
both individually and in groups at their schools or across districts.

CRS assists school administrators in designing professional development programs, supporting teacher planning through member services, and connecting to community resources to support high quality science teaching. 

This is outstanding! Thank you for all the great professional development that you and your team have provided our West Oakland Educators. Your support has allowed all of our elementary schools to be united in our efforts to strengthen our STEM corridor and share best practices for the instruction of science so that our students benefit by continuing to excel with academic discussions, writing with evidence, and exposure to complex text.
--Oakland Principal

Our Services:


CRS Member Teacher Services

Sign up a group of teachers, every elementary teacher in at a school, or every elementary teacher in the district.

Members receive monthly e-NewsBlasts with the latest in professional development workshops, program deadlines, grant opportunities and helpful tips for their science classroom. 

Members also receive invitations to participate in special programs such as our Field Trips for Teachers and the Science Super Star Challenge.

Members in the Oakland, Berkeley, Emery and West Contra Costa Unified Schools Districts will also receive invitations to have scientist volunteers in our BASIS program come to their classrooms to work with students. 


Professional Development

CRS offers free and low cost professional development workshops to schools or groups of teachers. Our most popular topics are

    • Elementary Engineering
    • Advanced Elementary Engineering: Design Challenges for K-2, and 3-5 Classrooms
    • Next Generation Science Standards & How they Connect With Common Core Standards
    • Talk like a scientist: Strategies for facilitating effective scientific discourse 
    • How to Throw a Fantastic & Affordable STEM Festival
    • No-fears, no-tears Science Fair Explorations: Engage the Whole Class in Science Investigations & Engineering Challenges
    Learn More!
    Contact CRS
    to talk about bringing great science into your schools.