Bay Area Scientists Inspiring Students

Bay Area Scientists Inspiring Students (BASIS) is a CRS program that provides free, in-class science lessons led by diverse, enthusiastic scientists and engineers from UC Berkeley and local science-based companies. CRS recruits, prepares, and coaches these STEM professionals to be effective ambassadors for science teaching and learning. They bring exciting 45 minute to one-hour lessons directly into classrooms, engaging students in hands-on investigations and engineering challenges that are age-appropriate and aligned to standards. BASIS volunteers inspire students to envision themselves as scientists.
BASIS presentations are available free to public elementary teachers who are CRS members in our partner districts of Berkeley, Oakland, Emeryville and West Contra Costa. Outside of these districts you may be eligible for virtual lessons. If you are not a CRS member, learn about our membership services and how to become a member.
Want a BASIS team to visit your classroom?
Here's how it works:
- CRS sends email invitations to eligible teacher members at the appropriate grade level for specific dates and times. (e.g. invitations for 3rd grade BASIS lessons are sent out only to 3rd grade teachers)
- Reply promptly! Presentations are scheduled generally on a first come, first serve basis. Because demand for BASIS presentations often exceeds supply, we give priority to teachers who have not yet received a lesson during the current year.
- We will send you EITHER a confirmation or a waitlist notification. If you do not get a lesson scheduled, you will have priority when the next lessons for your grade level become available
- Good communication is vital to the success of BASIS presentations. We ask the BASIS team and teacher to have a brief phone or email check in to confirm key details about the presentation logistics.