Science Resources in Spanish
CRS has gathered a handful of science resources in Spanish for you and your elementary level students.
We would love to add to our list of science resources in Spanish. Do you have a favorite we have missed?
Please contact us at with your recommendations.

- PBS SCIGIRLS ESPANOL has many shows that are translated and have Spanish resources with them. (Grande 2-5)
- Peep and the Big Wide World - The Emmy Award-winning science and math focused series has a bilingual Spanish/English website. Includes science curriculum & professional development videos. (TK-2)
- Science Friday has put together some elementary science experiments that can be done from home in English and in Spanish
- YouTube series Tiny Ice: Bits from Antarctica/Hielo Pequeño: Pedazos de la Antártida serie de videos from PolarTREC's informal educator Jocelyn Argueta, who traveled to the South Pole to make the series in 2019. (Grades 6-8)
- Science @ Cal has created a page Un Vistazo al Laboratorio that has videos of scientists touring their labs in Spanish. (Grades 6-8)
- The Instituto de Física Teórica in Madrid celebrated Women's Day by asking over 290 women why they love physics. Listen to their responses about what called each of them to study science.
- Researchers and scientists from the Spanish National Research Council created this #YoInvestigo (I research) series of videos explaining what they're working on and why it matters. **We recommend starting from the 3rd video in the playlist**
- The Instituto de Biomedicina in Valencia, Spain answered student questions about Covid19 in their "Un virus, mil preguntas" (One virus, a thousand questions) playlist.

- Our amazing BASIS (Bay Area Scientists in Schools) have made Science@Home videos of their lessons so they can continue to share science explorations with your students even during distance learning.
- Ciencia in Casa con Erika: ADN In this video Erika uses strawberries and common household chemicals to isolate the DNA inside a strawberry
- Ciencia en Casa: Luis Columna de Winogradsky Este video muestra una forma fácil y sencilla de cómo recrear la Columna de Winogradsky— simulación de un ecosistema de microbios.

- Unite for Literacy free online books to read or to listen to the narration. Available in English and Spanish. (TK-3)
- Fathom Reads has created electronic versions of books from a handful of different publishers. Students can listen to native speakers read the books or read them on their own in a chosen language or English. Subscriptions for families, schools, or districts
- The National Science Museum in Madrid has a variety of read alouds in Spanish showcasing the lives of prominent scientists from around the world. The ten stories are audio only, and include an optional activity.

- The Tech Interactive has put together these Actividades En Casa with topics like physics, chemistry, engineering, the environment and more! Also available in English
- Ocean School has developed Learn at Home pages in both English and Spanish with videos and activities about marine science.
- Golden Gate Audubon Society has put together resources kids can use at home to explore birds in their neighborhood. Available in English and Spanish
- The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has their Celebrate Urban Birds website and Celebra las Aves Urbanas
- Science Penguin has created some Outdoor Science Scavenger Hunts in English and Spanish that they have posted on Teachers pay Teachers for free.
- (Engineering is Elementary) EiE Families offers free, hands-on, research-based activities designed for families with children ages 4–11 and are available in both English and Spanish.
- ESA Kids has tons of fun activities, neat lab and art activities, and interesting facts for students to explore. Several Languages to choose from on the languages tab.
- ArbolABC is a Spanish based site that has science experiments, science stories, and articles for students K-3 that focus on the science of animals, insects, and technology.
- Mundo Primaria has scientific articles and activities about natural sciences, including human anatomy, the environment, animals and more (Middle School).
- TryEngineering has a range of engineering activities in Spanish for students grades 1-12.
- NASA’s Space Place in Spanish offers games and activities, videos and vocabulary units that are centered around the solar system, space technology, and more.
- Educapeques has a “Misión Azul/Blue Mission” unit in Spanish that teaches TK-2 graders about the science of plants, the water cycles, different types of animals and dinosaurs.
- Kids.CSIC has a variety of science history related videos, games, and quizzes for K-4 students
- KQED offers several science-based lesson plans in Spanish

- "We speak like scientists and engineers" place mats or sentence frames in English and in Spanish (K-2)
- The Exploratorium has their hands-on experiment series Science Snacks (English) and Bocadillos científicos.
- KidsGardening offers their Lessons to Grow By in both English and Spanish (free in Spanish)
- Enchanted Learning "Label Me" Printouts in Spanish contains elementary-level diagrams on many subjects.
- STEM Ecosystems has a STEM Activity Guide for families that is available in both English and Spanish

- FOSS resources are available in both Spanish and English under the Teacher Resources Section of every module.
- Mystery Science offers Spanish naration and transcripts for full lessons. Combine them with the Spanish worksheets for a Spanish-language science option for your classroom.
- Brainpop provides video and activity ideas for a fee. It is available in English and Spanish and French
- Newsella offers a number of their articles in Spanish.
- Early Edge California has put together a page of resource for distance learning for dual language learners.
- Colorín Colorado is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of bilingual, research-based information, activities, and advice for educators and families of English language learners (ELLs).
- Teachers Pay Teachers has NGSS based science lesson plans in Spanish available for purchase.
- Generation Genius has science resources for K8 students, including videos dubbed in Spanish and corresponding lesson plans, activities, vocabulary lists, and assessments for teachers. They offer their curriculum on a yearly subscription.
- Elesapiens offers bilingual lesson plans and activities for 1st-4th grade students. Some lessons are for free and others are for purchase.

Most textbook companies have leveled readers for science in both Spanish and English:
- Science A-Z leveled reader available in Spanish and English
- BookSource

Science museums and nature centers around the Bay Area try to meet the needs of all the students who participate in their programs. Many of them have staff that speak Spanish, but they do not always advertise that programs are available in Spanish because staffing changes on a year to year basis.

- California Science Center Virtual Field Trips
- The Nature Conservancy: Excursiones virtuales de Nature Lab
- NASA STARS in Spanish - Live broadcasts in Spanish for your classroom.
- EBMUD has put togehter their Mastadon Among Us Tour in Spanish Mastodontes entre nosotros
For additional resources that may better match what you’re looking for, we have a few tips to guide your search.
- Search for key terms in Spanish, the more specific the better. For example, “extracción de adn en frutas” (DNA extraction in fruit) will get you closer to the experiment you’re looking for than searching “experimento de ciencias para niños” (science experiment for kids). Use Google translate for help with spelling/punctuation/translation.
- Search using another google extension for Spanish speaking countries such as (or .ar, .cl, .co, .bo, .ec, .es, .gt., .pe, .uy) and/or click the “Español/ Latinoamérica” version. For non-Spanish speakers, use Google Chrome so that your search results will be translated easily.
- Specify by grade level to filter out higher ed results.
- Reach out to us for help. We know the start of the year is busy, and we’re always here to help, email us to find what works for your science teaching.