Connecting Teachers to Resources 

CRS connects teachers, principals and districts with a dynamic network of scientists, museums, outdoor education programs and other partners. We empower TK-Grade 8 educators to engage young learners in curiosity-driven learning experiences that allow children to explore, discover, and understand the world they live in. 

Square Girl with Bubbles
Science Teaching Tools

Curated groups of tools (activities, scaffolds. background information, and more) to help you implement effective hands-on, minds-on science and engineering lessons.

Square Harbor Tour
Teacher Member Services

  • Personalized planning support 
  • Programs led by scientist role models
  • Science e-NewsBlasts
  • Biannual Resource Guide
  • Field Trips for Teachers
  • Recognition of excellence through the CRS Science Super Star Challenge!

Building Environmental &
Climate Literacy: PD Series

Throughout the year we offer hour long, virtually based professional development workshops on a variety of topics realted to environmental and climate literacy. 

New & Revised Offerings from Trusted Partners

 CRS will continue to update this page with the latest information about virtual/online and in-person field trips, professional development, lesson resources, family resources, and more.

Teacher Professional Development

Find connections to workshops and resources led by CRS and many of our partner.

Science Education Grants

Here are some places you can find funds to put your science teaching plans and projects into action.

champions of discovery 23-24
Champions of Discovery

Now is a great time to plan how you can easily fold this challenge into your science teaching this year, earning prizes and recognition for you and your students.

Need Help? Ask Us!

CRS works with teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.  If you are a teacher in the Bay Area, we are happy to help you find what you are looking for..


Science Standards

Explore the Next Generation Science Standards and discover resources to further develop your professional teaching skills, and learn how to connect science across the curriculum to math and language arts..

Square Teacher PD
Principals, Coaches, Districts

CRS assists school administrators in designing professional development programs, supporting teacher planning through member services, and involving community resources to support the development of science teaching in their districts.

Connecting with Scientists

Bay Area Scientists Inspring Students (BASIS) is a CRS member program that provides free, online science lessons led by diverse, enthusiastic scientists and engineers who volunteer their time to inspire students to envision themselves as scientists, to engage students in inquiry based learning experiences, and to help teachers discover ways to make science interactive and fun!

Science at Home

Resources to families, teachers and anyone else interested in science to explore the museums around us, support science learning at home and in the classroom.

Empowering Teachers, Impacting Learning 2020-21

Teacher Members
TK-8 Students Impacted
of CRS Teacher Members Discovered New Strategies and Became More Confident

What Teachers say about CRS

CRS has been instrumental in encouraging me to teach science on a regular basis. Science is too often pushed to the side because it is not tested like English/Language Arts and Math. However, a good science curriculum helps students learn how to use evidence and facts to draw reasonable conclusions. This is an ability that will be useful across all disciplines.
----Richmond elementary teacher
Girls With Dry Ice