
Day of Action: Science Education Advocacy for AB 2565

Today we join with educators and partners across California to urge the passage of AB 2565 to provide essential funding for TK-12 teacher professional development in science.

May 2022

For 25 years Community Resources for Science has been working on the front lines to build capacity for teachers and schools to provide more, better, and more equitable access to science learning, especially during the critical elementary and middle school years. Progress, slow but real, was beginning to show results – but the pandemic threatens to not only stall but actually reverse those gains.

In a recent “urgent call to action,” the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine proclaimed:

Science is an essential tool for solving the greatest problems of our time and understanding the world around us...Yet, science education is not the national priority it needs to be, and states and local communities are not yet delivering high quality, rigorous learning experiences in equal measure to all students from elementary school through higher education.

-Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future 

It will take partnership, determination, and funding to bring about the change in science education. Recently, CRS signed onto a thoughtful Blueprint for Action for Equitable Science Education issued by a consortium of California science education partners.

Passage of AB 2565 is an essential step to putting this plan into action. Locally, CRS is working to address 3 of the key priorities identified in the NASEM Call to Action and California Blueprint:

  • Through our teacher services and outreach programs, we provide information, resources and support for 2,000 TK-6th grade teachers, and empower 750+ scientist role models, in order to provide equitable access to quality science education for ALL students

  • Through our professional development and collaboration efforts, we help build district capacity to support high quality science learning at the elementary and middle school levels.

  • Through our professional development and teacher support services, outreach programs, model lessons, and network of action, we increase awareness of and attention to equitable science education practices. 

We welcome scientists, engineers, industry partners to roll up their sleeves to join in direct outreach in local classrooms, and to provide sponsorships that will allow us to continue to grow CRS work ensuring greater access to equitable, inspirational, transformative science learning experiences for more students as we embark on our next 25 years.