Science Super Star: Marilee Simons

We spotlight Marilee Simons, CRS Science Super Star honoree, who teaches at Franklin Elementary in Oakland. Marilee used an engaging and extensive investigation on Painted Lady Butterflies to teach her students about animal life cycles.

Science Super Star: Alicia Fong

We spotlight Alicia Fong, CRS Science Super Star honoree, who teaches at Cleveland Elementary in Oakland. Alicia ensured all of her students were able to create meaningful takeaways from her lessons through multiple class discussions and hands-on learning that activated their understandings.

Science Super Star: Mary Loeser

We spotlight Mary Loeser, CRS Science Super Star honoree, who teaches at Cleveland Elementary in Oakland. Mary is an avid proponent of the wonderous effects science learning can have on a student. This past year, her and her classroom explored the phenomena of flower reproduction.

Science Super Star: Elizabeth Santos

We spotlight Elizabeth Santos, CRS Science Super Star honoree, who teaches at Grant Elementary in West Contra Costa. Elizabeth had her class explore the phenomena of pollination from mulitiple angles, utilizing various methods to engage all types of learners in her class.

Science Super Star: Stephanie Wagner

We spotlight Stephanie Wagner, CRS Science Super Star honoree, who teaches at Grant Elementary in West Contra Costa. Stephanie has seen the powerful effects a hands-on science lesson can have on a student. This year, for one science unit she led her classroom in a hands-on exploration of different types of liquids.

Science Super Star: Janet Belanoff

We spotlight Janet Belanoff, CRS Science Star honoree, who teaches at Collins Elementary in West Contra Costa. Janet took a phenomenon that her students had seen in action every day of their lives, but had no concrete understanding of, to turn into a lesson plan that would engage her entire class.

Science Super Star: Lorraine Gray

We spotlight Lorraine Gray, CRS Science Super Star honoree, who teaches at Collins Elementary in West Contra Costa. Lorraine wants other teachers to know that teaching science does not have to be complex, highlighting this through a simple experiment on paper materials that produced great results from her students.