Cam the Chameleon Visits Your Lab!

Cam is very inquisitive…

And Cam’s favorite way to find more questions to ask is to see what science looks like in the lab, in the field, and in the classroom!

We need your help to spread the word about what scientists do!

Send us your photos with Cam doing something ordinary (or not so ordinary) in lab, in the field, or wherever else you do science. We will share these adventures with students and teachers who would not otherwise have an opportunity to visit a lab or work in the field (see other scientists’ submissions here). In return, they will send back their class’ adventures with Cam, and questions for scientists to answer like ‘How come leaves are green?’, ‘How do clouds form?’, and others!

BASIS Volunteers:

If you are going to visit a classroom and have submitted Cam photos, share them with the teacher and encourage them to fill out this worksheet that they can share back with you after your visit!

Download your own Cam printable to color in and use to share your lab’s story by clicking on Cam:

And don’t forget to take a look at Cam’s adventures in other labs, in the field, and on an expedition to discover more about chemical changes!