4th Grade Earth Science Websites

Websites for 4th Grade Earth Science
Earth’s Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth

These websites support the NGSS standards at this grade level and are labeled by the type of website that it is (Student or Teacher Background, Student Online Activities, Teacher Activities, Student or Teacher Videos).

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Resource Link Abstract Website Types
ASTER = Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflections Radiometer. This site has several different ways of looking at and exploring the details of this great source for data on planet earthStudent Background;Teacher Background
Using space exploration as a theme, the Challenger Center web site offers a large searchable database of hands-on lessons related to the solar system and earth sciences, as well as podcasts, webcasts and interdisciplinary design challenges to do in your classroom.Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities
Click-through explanations of volcanoes for students, as well as animations, worksheets, games, and experiments. Content is in Spanish.Student Online Activities;Worksheets
USGS site with live data on current seismic activity around the world.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Science lessons at every grade level and topicTeacher Activities
This electronic magazine is for kids in grades 4-8. Surf around and learn more about the great outdoors.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Engineering Everywhere is a FREE engineering curriculum for elementary level students. Choose from seven units with fun, hands-on engineering design challenges based on real events around the worldStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
links to a wide variety of teaching resources; curriculum and lesson plans; on-line data projects, etc.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Nice online slide show on the basics of geothermal energy and plate tectonics and how they are related. Ask an expert area. And moreStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Website with photo collections, slide shows, descriptions of glacial process.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
SMILE is a collection of educational materials on the web – all designed especially for those who teach school-aged kids in non-classroom settings. SMILE is a group of science museums dedicated to bringing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) out of the academic cloister and into the wider world. All organizations are resource hubs for educational programs that involve people of all ages and backgrounds.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Kids can learn about earth, land, water, and natural hazards and learn how NASA studies these different topics.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
NASA Wavelength is your pathway into a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels – from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs. Use NASA Wavelength to quickly and easily locate resources, connect them to other websites using atom feeds, and even share the resources you discover with others through social media and email.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
National Geographic has lots of images and background information on volcanoes. Free registration is required to access all their information.Student Background;Teacher Background
Engage with National Geographic Explorers and transform learning experiences through live events, free maps, videos, interactives, and other resources.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
NOVA's Earth system science collection highlights important Earth processes normally invisible to the human eye. The standards-based media resources below expose the intricate web of forces that sustain life on Earth, allowing educators to explore the astonishing beauty and complexity of our dynamic planet with their students. For additional classroom resources, visit NOVA Labs http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/ , a new digital platform where students can actively participate in the scientific process. NOVA Labs participants can take part in real-world investigations by visualizing, analyzing, and sharing the same data that scientists use. Try your hand at classifying clouds and investigating the role they play in severe tropical storms, research solar storms using images from NASA telescopes, or explore ways to make the most of renewable energy sources and use real data to design your own virtual power systems.Student Background;Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
This is a website in conjunction with a large format film showing in many science centers around the country. The site has a teacher guide and oceain field guide that is very useful. Can be used without seeing the film.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
join the Ologists at the American Museum of Natural History as they explore through on-line games and student content the ins and outs of how our earth is changing. Rocks, plate tectonics and more.Student Background;Student Online Activities
Plate tectonics animations.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
This site has animations of earth processes, volcanoes, earthquakes and more.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Part of USGS resources for kids and teachers. Includes virtual tours of 1868 Hayward Earthquake and 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.Student Background;Teacher Background
Vitual fieldtrip to Alum Rock Park in San Jose. A good pre-trip activity but can stand on its own as well for information on local history, geology, and ecosystemStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Dirtmeister's Science Reporters" Investigate erosion with facts, observation sheets, instructions, report guides and sample reports from real kids across the country. Includes teacher guide.Student Background;Student Online Activities
This short animated video clips are nice introductions or reviews to different science topics. Each general area has about 10 supporting videos. *Plants, *Animals, *Human Body, *Ecosystems, * Landforms, Rocks and Minerals *Weather, Climate *Solar System *Matter *Force and Motion *Energy, Light and Sound (includes electricity and magnetism) *Scientific InquiryStudent Background;Student Videos
The Geography page on Science for Kids has games, experiments, images, videos, facts, lessons and activities on subjects such as weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, rocks, fossils For videos go to http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/videos/earth.htmlStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Designed for players ages 9 and older, "Selene: A Lunar Construction Game," teaches users about basic geological processes on Earth and in the solar system. Players fire away at what will quickly become a full-fledged, pockmarked moon like our own. Educators and youth leaders can incorporate "Selene" into classroom curriculum and other activities. Follow game play with "MoonGazers," hands-on activities that take players outside to explore the moon and its phases from their own backyards. Also available in SpanishStudent Online Activities
Short video <2 minutes showing liquefaction during the 2011 Japanese EarthquakeStudent Videos
Website includes K-12 classroom activities for the following topics: Weather, Climate Change, Sun-Earth Connections, and Atmosphere and Chemistry. Spark engages people in the wonder and relevance of science. We focus on scientific literacy, workforce development, and community engagement.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos;Worksheets
Puzzles, games, information, and links to on-line activities including a “virtual earthquake.” Includes link to "Ask-A-Geologist" website.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Includes Lesson Plans and Activities, Paper Models, and Educational Materials in topic areas such as the Changing World, Volcanoes, Working with Maps, Earth Hazards, Earthquake Effects, and Helping Your Child Learn Geography. Also has maps and rock images, and real time information.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Lesson on modeling erosion using a stream table.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Videos, videos and more videos on how to model earthquakes. Includes information on the 2011 Japanese earthquake and Tsunami.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
Volcanoes of the World, Currently Erupting Volcanoes, Volcano Images and Information, Volcanoes of Other Worlds, Volcanic Parks and Monuments, Volcano Observatories, Video Clips and links to kids info, teacher info and more. Students can read a story on theStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Background
This website has free educational videos on all topics (including science) for all age levels. There is specifically a section for younger learners.Student Background;Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Extensive website of all areas of earth science. Lots of nice images. Games, worksheets and puzzles. Some real data on atmospheric science. You can use the free version with advertizements scrolling at top or sgn up for membership with no advertizementsStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Series of videos on plate techtonicsStudent Background;Student Videos;Teacher Background