2nd Grade Earth Science Websites

Websites for 2nd Grade Earth Science
Processes that Shape the Earth

These websites support the NGSS standards at this grade level and are labeled by the type of website that it is (Student or Teacher Background, Student Online Activities, Teacher Activities, Student or Teacher Videos).

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Resource Link Abstract Website Types
Using space exploration as a theme, the Challenger Center web site offers a large searchable database of hands-on lessons related to the solar system and earth sciences, as well as podcasts, webcasts and interdisciplinary design challenges to do in your classroom.Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities
Science lessons at every grade level and topicTeacher Activities
Engineering Everywhere is a FREE engineering curriculum for elementary level students. Choose from seven units with fun, hands-on engineering design challenges based on real events around the worldStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
links to a wide variety of teaching resources; curriculum and lesson plans; on-line data projects, etc.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Offers various water curriculum and water activities on drinking water, ecosystems, lakes, oceans, rivers, water pollution, watersheds. Activities and curriculum on conservation energy, environmental stewardship, natural resources, pollution prevention. drinking water, fish advisories, indoor air, lead, ozone depletion, pesticides, radon, smog, garbage, household, hazardous & solid waste, landfills, superfund cleanups, trash. Has a kids page.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
11 minute video from KQED QUEST on the 1868 Hayward Earthquake. Good history connections and the basics about how earthquakes happen.Student Background;Teacher Background
SMILE is a collection of educational materials on the web – all designed especially for those who teach school-aged kids in non-classroom settings. SMILE is a group of science museums dedicated to bringing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) out of the academic cloister and into the wider world. All organizations are resource hubs for educational programs that involve people of all ages and backgrounds.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
NASA Wavelength is your pathway into a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels – from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs. Use NASA Wavelength to quickly and easily locate resources, connect them to other websites using atom feeds, and even share the resources you discover with others through social media and email.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This is a site that contains all kinds of data in map form. Geology, history, biology, political boundaries, environment, climate. You can print some maps yourself, order others, and use many online.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
National Geographic has lots of images and background information on volcanoes. Free registration is required to access all their information.Student Background;Teacher Background
Engage with National Geographic Explorers and transform learning experiences through live events, free maps, videos, interactives, and other resources.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Nature Lab is The Nature Conservancy's youth curriculum platform. Nature is the fantastic factory that makes the building blocks of all our lives—food, drinking water, the stuff we own, and the air we breathe. That’s why The Nature Conservancy and its 550 scientists have created Nature Lab: to help students learn the science behind how nature works for us and how we can help keep it running strong.Student Background;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
These guides provide a valuable resource for teaching about the San Francisco Bay and its watershed in your classroom. Discover new ideas for teaching students about everything from salmon to climate change to the Farallon Islands. Each guide contains multiple lesson plans focused on local animals and ecosystems and is aligned to state standards, including the Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards.With twelve guides spanning multiple grade levels and a variety topics, you can be sure to find lesson ideas to support your classroom curriculum.Teacher Activities
This short animated video clips are nice introductions or reviews to different science topics. Each general area has about 10 supporting videos. *Plants, *Animals, *Human Body, *Ecosystems, * Landforms, Rocks and Minerals *Weather, Climate *Solar System *Matter *Force and Motion *Energy, Light and Sound (includes electricity and magnetism) *Scientific InquiryStudent Background;Student Videos
The Geography page on Science for Kids has games, experiments, images, videos, facts, lessons and activities on subjects such as weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, rocks, fossils For videos go to http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/videos/earth.htmlStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
Website includes K-12 classroom activities for the following topics: Weather, Climate Change, Sun-Earth Connections, and Atmosphere and Chemistry. Spark engages people in the wonder and relevance of science. We focus on scientific literacy, workforce development, and community engagement.Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos;Worksheets
Features seven different and very distinct types of ecosystem, including great explorations of types of landforms, habitat, indigenous species, weather, etc. River Basin (Amazon), Icecap (Greenland), Waterfall (Iguazu Falls), Island (Madagascar), Desert (Namib), River Delta (Okavango Delta), and Plateau (Tibet).Student Background;Student Online Activities
Website dedicated to informing the public about one of our greatest hidden resources, groundwater. The Kids Corner has lesson plans, activities, and links. Includes free resources.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Includes Lesson Plans and Activities, Paper Models, and Educational Materials in topic areas such as the Changing World, Volcanoes, Working with Maps, Earth Hazards, Earthquake Effects, and Helping Your Child Learn Geography. Also has maps and rock images, and real time information.Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
Lesson on modeling erosion using a stream table.Teacher Activities;Teacher Background
This website has free educational videos on all topics (including science) for all age levels. There is specifically a section for younger learners.Student Background;Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos
A small town called Greenville was a nice place to live, with forests and ponds, it had lots to give. The people were happy in this little town, until something happened and Greenville turned brown. A poem with accompanying illustrations that recounts a tale of how important clean natural resources are.Student Background
Extensive website of all areas of earth science. Lots of nice images. Games, worksheets and puzzles. Some real data on atmospheric science. You can use the free version with advertizements scrolling at top or sgn up for membership with no advertizementsStudent Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background