Final Draft Openings Logo

For 25 years, CRS has been providing openings that magnify children’s understanding of our world and reveal possible pathways into futures exploring, inventing, discovering and creating.

Children open their eyes wide as they look closely at the leaves of a mighty oak through a hand lens, peer at wriggling microorganisms through a microscope, or imagine the challenges of unfurling solar panels in the vastness of space.

Teachers open their classrooms to welcome in visiting scientists who invite children to wonder and to see themselves as belonging in the world of science. Educators participate in workshops that encourage them to expand into outdoor learning spaces, opening opportunities for children to form a bond with nature and an understanding of the interconnection between humans and our environment.

Over 25 years, these openings have created a sense of community, working together to progress science education and learning for the next generation. Join us this Spring as CRS celebrates the many forms of openings that you, our donors, teacher colleagues, partners, volunteers, and friends have made possible over the past 25 years.

Together, we have opened eyes and ears and minds, pathways and opportunities, imaginations and inspiration.

As we continue to work with a renewed commitment to center joy and equity in elementary and middle school science teaching and learning,  we welcome all who will support our efforts to continue opening doors to science equity and opportunity for the next 25 years!

Science is an essential tool for solving the greatest problems of our time and understanding the world around us...Yet, science education is not the national priority it needs to be, and states and local communities are not yet delivering high quality, rigorous learning experiences in equal measure to all students from elementary school through higher education.
— National Academy of Sciences, Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future, November 2021

Please support our efforts to continue opening doors to science equity and opportunity for the next 25 years!     

Donate Today!

Thank you to our Sponsors!







Recorded Wednesday May 11, 2022

The current state of inequity and under-prioritization of K-12 science education threatens our future economic and social vitality. Watch the video to learn about the state of science education in California's K-12 schools, the National Academy of Science's urgent call to action, and how to be a part of the solution. 

We discussed:

  1. How the pandemic has accelerated a growing divide in accessibility to essential science education for K-12 schools throughout California.
  2. The National Academies of Science's urgent call to action: what it entails & what are their recommendation for action at the local level. 
  3. What Community Resources for Science- and You- have been doing to bridge the gap and how we can improve on our actions through the National Academy of Science's recommendations.

... A Gallery of Openings into the Wonder of Science