1st Grade Earth Science Websites
Websites for 1st Grade Earth Science
Earth’s Place in the Universe
These websites support the NGSS standards at this grade level and are labeled by the type of website that it is (Student or Teacher Background, Student Online Activities, Teacher Activities, Student or Teacher Videos).
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Resource Link | Abstract | Website Types |
Challenger Center for Space Science Education | Using space exploration as a theme, the Challenger Center web site offers a large searchable database of hands-on lessons related to the solar system and earth sciences, as well as podcasts, webcasts and interdisciplinary design challenges to do in your classroom. | Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities |
Changing Seasons | oin PBS KIDS and explore the seasons: Fall, Winter, and Spring! The lessons have been co-designed by museum and educational partners and feature many of your PBS KIDS friends. Introduce media clips, extension activities, articles, and crafts in your classroom and share resources with families to strengthen a school-to-home connection. Children will learn about the world around them through science, math, and art activities. As you engage in these lessons, you can feel confident that you are helping children grow up great! Also available in Spanish | Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
Cool the Earth | Cool The Earth is a ready-to-run program that educates K-8 students and their families about global warming and inspires them to take simple actions to reduce their carbon emissions. The program is successful because it’s fun and empowering for the kids, and their enthusiasm is contagious! Includes assemblies, website tools, lesson plans | Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
GLOBE | GLOBE encourages students to utilize on-line data to help answer questions about how the environment around them works. Through investigation projects students do science, learning the importance of creating hypotheses, analyzing data, drawing conclusions and reporting their results. | Student Online Activities;Teacher Background |
HowToSmile.org | SMILE is a collection of educational materials on the web – all designed especially for those who teach school-aged kids in non-classroom settings. SMILE is a group of science museums dedicated to bringing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) out of the academic cloister and into the wider world. All organizations are resource hubs for educational programs that involve people of all ages and backgrounds. | Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos |
NASA STEM Engagement | An Aeronautic and Space Resource for Education including The Library, which is your guide to NASA's Internet resources with hundreds of subject oriented pages and the capability to search all of NASA; Educator Focus; and Cool Links. Many lithograph images online of the moon, planets, satellites, and space exploration! | Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
NASA Wavelength | NASA Wavelength is your pathway into a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels – from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs. Use NASA Wavelength to quickly and easily locate resources, connect them to other websites using atom feeds, and even share the resources you discover with others through social media and email. | Student Background;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids | This website is designed for elementary school students to look at weather forecasts, astronomy and backyard animals. You can easily switch between locations to look at other areas of the country. | Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos |
Paper Plate Education "Serving the Universe on a Paper Plate" | This site has a lot of different activities about constellations, the solar system, moon phases, navigation using the stars and more all using paper plates. It has sections on how good or bad the pictures of moon cycles are in different children's literature | Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
Paper Plate Moon Phases | In this activity, students colour and cut cheap paper plates to form a handy reminder of the phases of the moon. | Teacher Activities |
Paso Partners Bilingual Instruction | The resource is designed to help elementary school teachers organize their classrooms and instructional activities in order to increase achievement of Hispanic primary-grade children whose first language is not English. The guides offer a curriculum plan, instructional strategies and activities, suggested teacher and student materials, and assessment procedures. Bilingual lessons on Five Senses, Spiders, Dinosaurs, Plants & Seeds, Human Body, Health, Oceans, Weather, Matter, Sun & Stars, Sound, Simple Machines. | Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
Practical Uses of Math and Science (PUMAS) | The PUMAS examples are aimed primarily at helping pre-college teachers enrich their presentation of topics in math and science. You may find a number of examples that relate to your area of interest, perhaps written in different styles, and possibly taking different approaches to the material. There may also be comments/lesson plans filed with some of the examples, written by previous users. Use these examples as a resource -- Select, adapt, recontextualize, and present the material to your students in a way that you judge will best meet your students' needs, abilities, and interests. | Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
Scholastic: Study Jams | This short animated video clips are nice introductions or reviews to different science topics. Each general area has about 10 supporting videos. *Plants, *Animals, *Human Body, *Ecosystems, * Landforms, Rocks and Minerals *Weather, Climate *Solar System *Matter *Force and Motion *Energy, Light and Sound (includes electricity and magnetism) *Scientific Inquiry | Student Background;Student Videos |
Science for Kids - Geography | The Geography page on Science for Kids has games, experiments, images, videos, facts, lessons and activities on subjects such as weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, rocks, fossils For videos go to http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/videos/earth.html | Student Background;Student Online Activities;Student Videos;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos |
Solarviews.com | This website is available in English, Spanish, French, Porteguese and German. It offers photos and content for the solar system in all these languages. | Student Background;Teacher Background |
Spark - Weather and Atmospheric Science Classroom Activities | Website includes K-12 classroom activities for the following topics: Weather, Climate Change, Sun-Earth Connections, and Atmosphere and Chemistry. Spark engages people in the wonder and relevance of science. We focus on scientific literacy, workforce development, and community engagement. | Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos;Worksheets |
The Weather Dude | Welcome to the weather page especially for kids, parents and teachers from weather forecaster Nick Walker. Explains that weather changes daily and seasonally, affecting us all. Great links to other kids weather sites. | Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |
WatchKnowLearn.org | This website has free educational videos on all topics (including science) for all age levels. There is specifically a section for younger learners. | Student Background;Student Videos;Teacher Background;Teacher Videos |
Web Weather for Kids | Award-winning online site features webweather for kids: learning, activities, and news. Resource list at the end of each activity and teachers tips! Talks about the ingredients for making weather: temperature, volume, pressure, density. Combine ingredients in the troposphere, mix thoroughly, and you will have weather! | Student Background;Student Online Activities;Teacher Activities;Teacher Background |